Wednesday 15 July 2015


Assalamualaikum :)

Today, is the last day of Ramadhan in 2015.

Maybe, this is our last Ramadhan

Maybe, this is our last Ramadhan with our parents

We don't know

And yes.

We will never know


Appreciate everything

Appreciate every moment in your life with the beloved ones

Especially your parents

Your family, of course

Because you don't know

Maybe, that was your last moment with them

*Di kesempatan masa yang sungguh indah dengan burung berkicauan tidak putus-putus sehingga kedengaran sangat lunak di telinga kurnian Allah ini, saya , Farahin Fadzil ingin mengucapkan selamat hari rayaaaa la apa lagi kan? Kalau ada sebarang post dalam blog ini yang membuatkan a few of you rasa macam sentap tertusuk tusuk sampai mcm dh ergggh tertusuk sgt ni jgn ckp dgn aku eerghh , harap diampun ye. Again, selamat hari rayaaaaaaa :)

-Spread Positive Energy